On Tuesday April 25, 2006 Our Lady of Perpetual Help School held a Sports Fantasy Night as a fund raiser. Diane, Michael & Ryan McGuire & I attended.

The special guest was Art Donovan (now 81). Art was a defensive tackle for the Baltimore Colts and was the first Colt to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Two-Time Pro Bowler, Running Back for the Baltimore Colts-Tom Matte.

Two Irishmen, Art & Michael swap stories. Note tub of Schlitz at the bottom. This is a prerequisite for Art to appear anywhere. This led to a special souvenir -see below.

Felicia Lee-Finished number 1 in the 100 meter butterfly at the Spring Nationals.

All of the celebrities went on stage for a question and answer session.

1973 Rookie of the year for the Baltimore Orioles - Al Bumbry

WWE Hall of Fame Pro Wrestler Nikolai Volkoff

All of the celebrities pose with Ryan.

The hi-lite of the evening, a Schlitz beer can signed by Art Donovan.